
Maps and transport


Goodwood State School is located at:

1802 Goodwood Road, Goodwood, Qld 4660.

A Google map is located on our contact page.

  • The distance from Bundaberg CBD is 39 km, travelling time is about 32 minutes.
  • The distance from Childers is 22 km, travelling time is about 16 minutes.
  • The distance from Woodgate is 17 km, travelling time is about 12 minutes.

Bus Service P1069 operates from Woodgate through to the school. 

The bus arrives at Goodwood State School at approximately 7:50 am each morning before proceeding to Childers as Service P168.  In the afternoon this service returns from Childers at 3:40 pm and continues as P1069 for the return trip to Woodgate.

Please contact the Maryborough based bus operator G & D Ross Bus Charters by phone on 4129 7132 for pick up and drop off details along the route.

Last reviewed 16 January 2020
Last updated 16 January 2020